21 apr. 2012


Gotye + o cana de cafea duc catre o combinatie interesanta pentru mine. Trebuie sa recunosc ca este ceva foarte catchy la tipul asta.
Va recomand State of The Art ca sa mearga bine a doua ceasca...De la a treia onwards as zice Making Mirrors pe repeat; ajuta mai ales atunci cand ferestrele fizice sunt inchise si ne delectam cu niste reflectare la the mistery of things.
De-asta ador weekend-urile. Pot si oamenii sa respire linistiti :)

6 apr. 2012


The danger that faces us today is that the whole of reality will be replaced by words. This accounts for that terrible lack of instinct in modern man, particularly the city-dweller. He lacks all contact with life and the breath of nature. He knows a rabbit or a cow only from the illustrated paper, the dictionary, or the movies, and thinks he knows what it is really like - and then is amazed that cowsheds 'smell', because the dictionary didn't say so. 

3 apr. 2012


'Eat dessert first, Life is uncertain' - Anonymus

[Aww, mi-a placut asa de mult citatul asta...]